Kindred Spirits Charitable Trust

Established in 1991, Kindred Spirits Charitable Trust is an all-volunteer organization providing friendship and personal support to prisoners in Florida under sentence of death.

There are over 300 men and women on Florida’s Death Row.  There have been 30 death row prisoners exonerated in Florida – more than any other state.  Florida has executed 105 people since the death penalty was reinstated in the United States in the 1970s. This means there is one innocent person on death row for every 3 executed. The system is broken.

Only the most basic needs are provided on Florida’s Death Row. We help with the cost of warm clothes in winter, a small fan for the hot Florida summers, some deodorant, and perhaps shoes other than the crocs that are provided.

Prisoners in Florida cannot receive cards and letters delivered to their cells. Instead every letter or card sent to a prisoner is scanned and emailed to a tablet.  It’s another layer of isolation for Death Row. They must purchase electronic “stamps” in order to communicate through email.  Everything must be purchased through the prison “canteen” at inflated prices.  We send a small amount of money each quarter to indigent Death Row prisoners to help with basic needs. We send holiday cards signed by many “kindred spirits” each year.  These small gestures let those on Death Row know there are people who care. 

We receive many letters of thanks from prisoners who write:

“Thank you so much to all our friends in Kindred Spirits. I will be saying many blessings for you. Your help is much appreciated.”


“Just a few lines to let you know I received the help. Thank you so much to my friends at Kindred Spirits. Without your help I don’t know what I would do.”


“Just to know that someone who honestly cares about me give me the strength to go on, even in the darkest, most depressing times.”

Know that your support of Kindred Spirits makes a big difference!

Kindred Spirits Charitable Trust is a 501(c)(3) organization.