Why do we do this?

While we support efforts on behalf of victims of crime, Kindred Spirits focuses on people who are among the most forgotten and abandon of God’s children: prisoners under sentence of death. The life stories of Death Row prisoners reveal disturbing similarities.  Many were born to parents addicted to alcohol or other drugs.  As children, many suffered physical and psychological abuse, often so extreme as to amount to torture.  Many received little or no medical care and are themselves victims of suffering, violence, neglect, and abuse.

The volunteers of Kindred Spirits do not sanction the crimes of which Death Row prisoners are accused.  We affirm, however, that these prisoners are human beings created in the image of God.

People on Death Row experience intense emotional and mental suffering.   Except for the occasional consultation with a legal representative, many prisoners have little or no contact with family or friends.  One prisoner wrote that he felt he was facing death and no one cared.

Kindred Spirits was established by people of faith and compassion throughout Florida to show that someone does care.